Seeing Auras: Aura Reading of Different Aura Colours

Seeing Auras

Aura reading of different aura colours is referred to as seeing auras which is a unique power that only a few people with an acute insight have been able to possess till late in the past. But the advances in brainwave entrainment technology has made it possible for everyone to be able to reap the benefits of this x-ray vision to get an instant glimpse of anyone’s character without even interacting with him or her.

What is aura? What do human aura colors mean including green aura, red aura, purple aura, white aura, blue aura, pink aura, violet aura, black aura, yellow aura, indigo aura and a dark aura?

An aura is a field of subtle, luminous radiation surrounding a person or an object. All creatures including humans and all objects manifest such an aura. It’s said to be an energy field surrounding a person’s biological self and is perceptible to a person who has opened his or her third eye through working on the chakra system in the body.

Aura ReadingAs far as holistic healers are concerned, aura reading is the art of investigating the human energy field, or the energy fields of other sentient beings. It is a tool for using techniques of holistic healing, and includes such practices as bioenergetics, energy medicine, energy spirituality, and energy psychology.

Each color of the aura has a meaning, indicating a precise emotional state.

  • Red aura speaks of enthusiasm and energy in a person.
  • Yellow aura speaks of analytical faculty, logical prowess and intelligence on the part of the one who has it dominant around their body.
  • Pink aura stands for a loving and a giving nature.
  • Green aura signifies creativity and a hard working nature.
  • Orange aura tells of sensitivity, kindness and honesty.
  • Purple aura denotes mysteriousness and a secretive psychic personality.
  • Blue aura talks of intuition and excellence in communication skills.
  • Gold aura predicts an artistic and aesthetic flair in the personality.
  • White aura and silver aura speak of spiritually inclined persons.
  • Brown aura indicates confusion.
  • Black aura screams negativity, hatred and depression.

Would you like to inculcate the power of seeing auras in the eye of your mind? How can you do that?

Seeing AurasThe upper alpha frequencies of the brain responsible for seeing auras in general are generated in sudden bursts, making it difficult to sustain your aura reading skills. Sustaining proper alpha brainwave frequencies is not an easy job, as it requires an acutely absolute focus. That’s an uphill task to achieve. Here is an alternate tool that can help you achieve your goal in a much easier and a much faster way.

Binaural beats and isochronic tones are there to help you with instantaneous brainwave entrainment for Aura Viewing.

As you start the brainwave entrainment through binaural beats or isochronic tones, your brain automatically gets entrained to the upper alpha frequencies enabling you to see auras around the people and the objects in your vicinity. You start with experiencing a weightless sensation, as though you are floating.

Soon after, you will be able to see the aura colours enveloping those around you.

Aura Viewing Aura Viewing

Toward the end of the program, the frequency makes a shift, sending your brain into the high theta zone before bringing it back into the high alpha frequency range. This is an additional bonus developing a sudden burst of insight into the mind learning on its own how to entrain your brain on its own without the use of any such external help in order to develop and sustain the faculty of aura reading of different aura colours, empowering you with seeing auras as a normal practice of your vision!

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Seeing Auras: Aura Reading of Different Aura Colours

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