DNA Stimulation for DNA Repair Reversing Cell Damage in the Human Body

DNA Stimulation for DNA Repair Reversing Cell Damage in the Human BodyDNA stimulation is a unique brainwave entrainment technology aimed at accelerating DNA repair, thus reversing the cell damage in the human body.

As everyone knows, DNA is the micro foundation of human life in its body. It’s essentially a protein code that sits locked within the nucleus of each cell in the body. It is this code that instructs the cell when to divide and what new DNA code to decide for the newly generated cells out of such a division. In case this code ever gets corrupted, the resulting cell damage is not able to get the right instructions regarding its controlled division and goes out of control. It is this uncontrolled division of cells that gives rise to cancer in the body. It just no more knows how and when to stop dividing itself and thus goes on producing new cells in the body despite the body not needing them at all. With the passage of time this process may prove fatal for the body and life. Such cell damage may be caused by any of the reasons including UV light, the depletion of the ozone layer, solar radiation, chemicals, mental stress and unhealthy lifestyles.

DNA Stimulation for DNA Repair Reversing Cell Damage in the Human BodyIt’s not that our bodies don’t have any mechanism to fight this cell damage. They do. They can always call in the ‘sister cells’ that still have the original code stored in them and through creating an information channel between the two, the DNA repair can easily be effected. The only problem that spreads cancer is that DNA corruption owing to reaction against carcinogenic substances/processes starts taking place at a higher speed than DNA repair that is possible in the human body. And once this difference exceeds a threshold limit, it becomes almost an irreversible phenomenon that ends up in the death of the organism that our human bodies are.

Delta brainwave frequencies have been recognized as promoting DNA repair, but they too stop getting generated in the sufficient quantities in the presence of carcinogenic substances/processes.

How to repair DNA damage?

Brainwave entrainment technology can easily generate these Delta brainwave frequencies through its binaural and isochronic recordings, thus tuning the brain to an enhanced Delta state. It helps the body to accelerate its healing process by activating its DNA repair mechanism at a faster speed than normal.

The Modus Operandi:

Binaural Beats – Sine waves of two different frequencies are projected into the each ear separately. The brain responds to these two stimuli by generating another sine wave with a frequency equal to the difference between the two projected frequencies. Though this new frequency is not in the audible range but the brain bypasses the ears and gets tuned in to it, it lying somewhere in the Alpha or Theta range of frequencies (between 5-12 Hz) and enters into their altered state of aware consciousness.

Isochronic Tones – Isochoric tones which are a later development are more effective than binaural beats. They use equal intensity tones, but the pulse speed is greater. As a result, the brain tune in to them faster and better.

DNA Stimulation for DNA Repair Reversing Cell Damage in the Human BodyAs these DNA Stimulation Recordings generate Delta brain wave pattern, you feel more energized after the entrainment session is over as if you had been in the state of a deep sleep.

In fact, Delta level of awareness does correspond to the action of deep sleep as such when the body repairs itself, undoing all the negative effects it contracted all through the day owing to the presence of carcinogenic substances/processes and other debilitating factors in the environment as well as in the mind.

The entire process of DNA Stimulation ends up in rejuvenating your body and your mind apart from healing them of any carcinogenic effects that they ever might have contracted during their journey through life till date, through DNA repair of any cell damage still present in them!

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DNA Stimulation for DNA Repair Reversing Cell Damage in the Human Body

Creativity Leading to Creative Ideas in Action and Creative Thinking in Mind

Creativity Leading to Creative Ideas in Action and Creative Thinking in MindCreativity is a thing of  joy for ever with creative ideas in the day-to-day action of life as well as creative thinking in mind 24×7. It’s a spontaneous process that doesn’t require deep analysis to reach a unique solution. It rather works through brain storming when the right brain activity is at its peak.

The right brain is not as much governed by the conscious logic as it is by the subconscious aesthetic images that it randomly keeps exploring all the time whenever it is in a relaxed state of mind. When the right brain is active, the left brain need not be so; since if it is, it may hinder the spontaneous process that the right brain is going through.

When it comes to being creative, it always provides a more complete and more unique solution to a problem whether the problem belongs to a field of aesthetics getting resolved by famous writers, film directors, musicians, and artists or to a field of science or mathematics in the hands of strict logicians. The greatest of the scientific and mathematical discoveries came into existence as sudden spontaneous insights!

Creativity Leading to Creative Ideas in Action and Creative Thinking in MindThe brainwave entrainment program for creative purposes uses the power of the right brain by quieting down the left brain’s activity so that creative ideas can flow freely and become conscious creative thinking without getting censored by the logical conscious mind. Such a spontaneous brain storming of ideas while in a meditative state is very effective as it tends to stay without being forgotten like the dreams are. The transition between waking and sleeping states is a sudden shift in awareness making us forget our dreams often. Brainwave entrainment tends to turn this entire process while one is awake so that whatever comes to the mind stays there forever without getting deleted by the conscious brain censorship.

The Modus Operandi:

Binaural Beats – Sine waves of two different frequencies are projected into the each ear separately. The brain responds to these two stimuli by generating another sine wave with a frequency equal to the difference between the two projected frequencies. Though this new frequency is not in the audible range but the brain bypasses the ears and gets tuned in to it, it lying somewhere in the Alpha or Theta range of frequencies (between 5-12 Hz) and enters into their altered state of aware consciousness.

Isochronic Tones – Isochoric tones which are a later development are more effective than binaural beats. They use equal intensity tones, but the pulse speed is greater. As a result, the brain tune in to them faster and better.

These creativity recordings take the mind to a level of deep relaxation leading you to creative ideas in action and creative thinking strategies in mind. You can easily quiet your left brain with them and discover how to bring your right brain to action at will!

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Creativity Leading to Creative Ideas in Action and Creative Thinking in Mind

Christ Consciousness: Higher Consciousness through Altered States of Consciousness

Christ Consciousness: Higher Consciousness through Altered States of Consciousness

Christ consciousness is a vivid higher consciousness achievable through instantly induced altered states of consciousness.

Is human consciousness different from animal consciousness in any way?

Animal consciousness is simply an instinctive consciousness. The instinctive consciousness is essentially a subjective consciousness limited with the boundaries of self-centeredness. It’s a primitive type of consciousness with no aspects of any higher consciousness at its disposal.

But the human species on its journey through evolution added quite a few other aspects to it. The most important of these additions has been the ability to think that comprises observing, remembering, using logic, addressing aesthetics, imagining, developing a vision, and envisioning a unique worldview leading to a cosmic consciousness.

  • Those of us who are good at observing and remembering specialize as becoming journalists, detectives, inventors and guides along with many other occupations that such people could go for doing in an effective manner.
  • The ones who are good at using logic make scientists, mathematicians, philosophers, teachers, theoreticians and other profession like that.
  • People good at addressing aesthetics make artists and craftsmen.
  • Those good at imagining turn poets and designers.
  • The ones that can develop a vision out of their insight in a specific field of knowledge or action turn to be the leaders whether in business, politics or other areas of human concern.
  • Christ Consciousness: Higher Consciousness through Altered States of ConsciousnessThere are few rare individuals on the planet that can develop their insight to the level of envisioning a unique worldview leading to a cosmic consciousness. Such are the people who pass for having Christ consciousness which is a higher consciousness than the rest of the humanity possesses. They envision a world free of all its imperfections and follies that we humans are suffering from at present.

In other words, they envision the heaven and the ways to bring it down on earth!

Having Christ consciousness is undoubtedly the most evolved form of intelligence that a human can ever achieve.

Christ Consciousness: Higher Consciousness through Altered States of ConsciousnessAnd once one is able to achieve that holistic mind, one is never going to look back to the fragmented concerns of life that pull us back to behave in petty ways all over the earth turning our life into a hell.

The good news is that based on the advances in science, anyone can now instantly enter the altered states of consciousness of one’s desire.

And why wouldn’t you desire to enter the arena of Christ consciousness, it being the highest form of evolved consciousness on earth!

The Modus Operandi:

Binaural Beats – Sine waves of two different frequencies are projected into the each ear separately. The brain responds to these two stimuli by generating another sine wave with a frequency equal to the difference between the two projected frequencies. Though this new frequency is not in the audible range but the brain bypasses the ears and gets tuned in to it, it lying somewhere in the Alpha or Theta range of frequencies (between 5-12 Hz) and enters into their altered state of aware consciousness.

Isochronic Tones – Isochoric tones which are a later development are more effective than binaural beats. They use equal intensity tones, but the pulse speed is greater. As a result, the brain tune in to them faster and better.

Now you can entrain your brain and reach the state of Christ consciousness in an extremely easy and quick manner. The Christ Consciousness Recordings are tuned to an exact Upper Beta Frequency capable of instantly bringing you to a state of wholeness. Spiritual fulfillment and other higher consciousness perks come on their own while you are in this state that is the king of all altered states of consciousness.

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Christ Consciousness: Higher Consciousness through Altered States of Consciousness

Chakra Healing: Opening Chakras by Awakening Kundalini with Chakra Meditation

Chakra Healing: Opening Chakras by Awakening Kundalini with Chakra Meditation

Chakra healing is an ancient holistic healing process done through chakra balancing aiming at opening chakras by activating Kundalini energy with the help of induced chakra meditation.

7 chakras are 7 energy nodes in the body in the form of muscular rigidities that trap a major portion of the cosmic pranic energy in a rotating whirl as opposed to its linear propagation on its way through the spinal cord. In case the chakras are not open, they are closed which they generally are! It means that the muscular rigidities have turned into fibrous nodes which do not let a major portion of the cosmic pranic energy pass through them without any resistance in its path.

Chakra Healing: Opening Chakras by Awakening Kundalini with Chakra MeditationKundalini energy is the cosmic pranic energy that has been designed by the evolutionary process to keep flowing through the bodies of all the living organisms and thus support the existence of life on the planet. We are required to open all these 7 chakras through a process of dissolving these fibrous nodes. Once they are opened, they no more trap this comic pranic energy. And it is extremely important for our health as under its normal linear flow through the spinal cord, Kundalini is the mother of all medicine on earth. That is what chakra healing means. It keeps the body and the mind in a perfect state of health.

Chakra healing is done by chakra balancing which is a process of opening all 7 chakras. It is traditionally done by dissolving the fibrous nodes caused by the muscular rigidities in the path of Kundalini flow. Chakra balancing does it under a strict postural discipline making it a way of life 24×7.

Chakra Healing: Opening Chakras by Awakening Kundalini with Chakra MeditationAlthough this entire process done under such a strict postural discipline ends up in a youthful body and a peaceful mind, yet it is quite a tedious process to tame and turn it into the very first nature of one’s mind body system 24×7.

Induced chakra meditation comes to our rescue in such a scenario. It is as easy and instantaneous as difficult and time-taking the traditional meditation practice is!

This instant induction system induces each of the seven chakras, one by one, to forgo their rigidity through relaxing them with different brainwave frequencies. The brains of yogis undergoing deep spiritual trances were studied for years, and the same brainwave patterns have been incorporated in these induction tools to reproduce their exact experiences to open chakras!

The Modus Operandi:

Binaural Beats Sine waves of two different frequencies are projected into the each ear separately. The brain responds to these two stimuli by generating another sine wave with a frequency equal to the difference between the two projected frequencies. Though this new frequency is not in the audible range but the brain bypasses the ears and gets tuned in to it, it lying somewhere in the Alpha or Theta range of frequencies (between 5-12 Hz) and enters into their altered state of aware consciousness.

Isochronic Tones – Isochronic tones which are a later development are more effective than binaural beats. They use equal intensity tones, but the pulse speed is greater. As a result, the brain tune in to them faster and better.

Chakra Opening Chakra Opening

There are two instant chakra opening options. The first ones are 15 minute recordings that stimulate each chakra individually in an intensive manner, and the second one is an extensive 20 minute induction system that stimulates all of them in one single go though it is not as intensive as the individual 15 minute recordings are.

The best way out is to have both of them and use the second system on weekdays whereas you can use the first one on weekends when you have leisure time at your disposal.

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Chakra Healing: Opening Chakras by Awakening Kundalini with Chakra Meditation

Seeing Auras: Aura Reading of Different Aura Colours

Seeing Auras

Aura reading of different aura colours is referred to as seeing auras which is a unique power that only a few people with an acute insight have been able to possess till late in the past. But the advances in brainwave entrainment technology has made it possible for everyone to be able to reap the benefits of this x-ray vision to get an instant glimpse of anyone’s character without even interacting with him or her.

What is aura? What do human aura colors mean including green aura, red aura, purple aura, white aura, blue aura, pink aura, violet aura, black aura, yellow aura, indigo aura and a dark aura?

An aura is a field of subtle, luminous radiation surrounding a person or an object. All creatures including humans and all objects manifest such an aura. It’s said to be an energy field surrounding a person’s biological self and is perceptible to a person who has opened his or her third eye through working on the chakra system in the body.

Aura ReadingAs far as holistic healers are concerned, aura reading is the art of investigating the human energy field, or the energy fields of other sentient beings. It is a tool for using techniques of holistic healing, and includes such practices as bioenergetics, energy medicine, energy spirituality, and energy psychology.

Each color of the aura has a meaning, indicating a precise emotional state.

  • Red aura speaks of enthusiasm and energy in a person.
  • Yellow aura speaks of analytical faculty, logical prowess and intelligence on the part of the one who has it dominant around their body.
  • Pink aura stands for a loving and a giving nature.
  • Green aura signifies creativity and a hard working nature.
  • Orange aura tells of sensitivity, kindness and honesty.
  • Purple aura denotes mysteriousness and a secretive psychic personality.
  • Blue aura talks of intuition and excellence in communication skills.
  • Gold aura predicts an artistic and aesthetic flair in the personality.
  • White aura and silver aura speak of spiritually inclined persons.
  • Brown aura indicates confusion.
  • Black aura screams negativity, hatred and depression.

Would you like to inculcate the power of seeing auras in the eye of your mind? How can you do that?

Seeing AurasThe upper alpha frequencies of the brain responsible for seeing auras in general are generated in sudden bursts, making it difficult to sustain your aura reading skills. Sustaining proper alpha brainwave frequencies is not an easy job, as it requires an acutely absolute focus. That’s an uphill task to achieve. Here is an alternate tool that can help you achieve your goal in a much easier and a much faster way.

Binaural beats and isochronic tones are there to help you with instantaneous brainwave entrainment for Aura Viewing.

As you start the brainwave entrainment through binaural beats or isochronic tones, your brain automatically gets entrained to the upper alpha frequencies enabling you to see auras around the people and the objects in your vicinity. You start with experiencing a weightless sensation, as though you are floating.

Soon after, you will be able to see the aura colours enveloping those around you.

Aura Viewing Aura Viewing

Toward the end of the program, the frequency makes a shift, sending your brain into the high theta zone before bringing it back into the high alpha frequency range. This is an additional bonus developing a sudden burst of insight into the mind learning on its own how to entrain your brain on its own without the use of any such external help in order to develop and sustain the faculty of aura reading of different aura colours, empowering you with seeing auras as a normal practice of your vision!

Click Here for More Information

Seeing Auras: Aura Reading of Different Aura Colours

Astral Projection: How to Astral Project for Astral Travel

Astral Projection: How to Astral Project for Astral Travel?

Astral ProjectionAstral projection used to be an esoteric subject only available to select elite class individuals in the ancient mystical culture of Egyptian civilization. Even when it came out of its esoteric shield, it was never an easy technique to learn and required years and years of focused spiritual training with almost no guarantee of success.

But much waters have flown through the Nile into the sea and from there into the vast oceans of the scientific human knowledge since then. Learning the techniques is no more an unreachable target today. In fact anyone can switch into the state anytime with the right tools at one’s disposal.

The astral world is in another dimension of existence not in common with our biological one! But the astral body that imbibes life in our biological system is free to travel between the two entirely different worlds of existence. All material logic comes to an end in this realm and bigger spiritual truths start showing up to our enhanced sensitivity of awareness. It inculcates the most profound insight in our psyche changing our life at the very root of it.

Astral TravelThe best thing about it is that it’s instantaneous provided we are working with the right tools at our disposal.

The Right Tools:

Binaural Beats – Sine waves of two different frequencies are projected into the each ear separately. The brain responds to these two stimuli by generating another sine wave with a frequency equal to the difference between the two projected frequencies. Though this new frequency is not in the audible range but the brain bypasses the ears and gets tuned in to it, it lying somewhere in the Alpha or Theta range of frequencies (between 5-12 Hz) and enters into their altered state of aware consciousness.

Isochronic Tones – Isochronic tones which are a later development are more effective than binaural beats. They use equal intensity tones, but the pulse speed is greater. As a result, the brain tune in to them faster and better.

How to Astral ProjectMeditation and yoga are two other tools to achieve the state though they take a great lot of time, energy and efforts on the part of the astral enthusiast.

But the above-mentioned Astral Recordings make the entire process instantaneous by taking you to a relaxed Theta state from where the astral projection becomes a spontaneously achievable target teaching your spiritual self how to astral project for astral travel on its own alone without your body as a carrier.

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Astral Projection: How to Astral Project for Astral Travel